tisdag 26 november 2013


This delicious and powerful, naturally fermented, probiotic immortal health elixir
 is over 2000 years old  and from China.
It is full of antioxidants that boosts your immune system, B-vitamins and detoxing enzymes
 and bacterial acids that can be cancer preventive.

A  Scoby - Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast - is used.
Get your scoby from a friend, of the internet or ask me.

Make 2.7 l of black tea. Use 15g of tea (8 teabags). Let it steep for 20 min.
Stir in 1.8 l of organic sugar.
Pour it in a 3l very clean, boiled hot water rinsed jar, with your very clean hands using very clean utensils. Clean them in boiling hot water.
3l jars for 45kr at ÖB Kungens Kurva.
Let it cool to room temperature.
Slip your Scoby into it's sweet tea bath with 1 1/2 dl of old kombucha.
Cover with a woven cloth for breathing.
Let it sit in room temperature, out of direct sunlight for 2 weeks to ferment.
 Or 3 weeks for stronger more sour taste.

A new baby scoby will form ontop of the mother one, connected umbilically on the side.
The mother will make kombucha around 5 times.
Then it wants to compost.
Baby ones can be given away or stored in fridge for giving away.
And become your new mother scoby.

After 2 - 3weeks, make a new batch to slip the scoby with baby/ies into.
Add 1 1/2 dl of the finished kombucha ito the new sugar tea.

Pour the finished kombucha into a jar or many bottles.
I steep it with ginger in a tea strainer ball 20 min.

If it is in a airtight bottle it will start a precess of carbonation. 
Leave some space for that, and beware of explosion!
It's my ultimate kombucha taste.
Store cold.

It will continue fermenting in the bottle.
You might have to strain it again, if scoby threads form!

Enjoy daily!
Share with friends!

måndag 25 november 2013

Raw Vegan Kimchee

Cut 3 large heads of savoy cabbage or napa cabbage / salladskål into slivery bits, or your preferred size.
Put the cabbage into a big bowl, sprinkling and mixing it with about 3 dl of seasalt, for it to soften.
Pound it down with your knuckles, to break fibers and pack it good.
Let it stand under a plate with a weight on top for pressure for minimum of 2 hrs.
A 3l kombucha jar is good for that!
 Then rinse very thoroughly in a sieve and add:

4  carrots chopped
1 - 2 organic daikon if you have, chopped or julienned

Then mix into a paste and stir in:

4 onions 
1 1/2 dl ginger
1 1/2 dl garlic
1 dl korean chili

And, yes, it's got to be korean,  from Korean Food, Luntmakargatan 76, Stockholm. It's the only place in the Nordic countries for korean groceries: http://www.koreanfood.se
Redder, sweeter, better, savourier!

2 fresh red chili peppers, chopped
2 sweet pears, chopped
4 tablespoons unpasteurized miso
2 tablespoons tamari


1 bunch of chopped chives

Put in canning jars and store in room temperature 24 hours. Leave a little space on top, for it to bubble and ferment. Super sterilised is not necessary. Then store in fridge for at least 2 weeks. It keeps forever, and gets savourier and savourier. It can also be eaten fresh directly after 24 hours, save a jar for that, while you wait for the 2 weeks to pass.

Thanks to Kyu, who taught us how to make Kimchee, and your mother that taught you.
And now it is raw veganized!

Three graces


With fermented Kombucha!!

söndag 24 november 2013

Våfflor med jordgubbssylt

Detta är min gamla favorit efterrätt! Glutenfria!
Gör egen lagom söt jordgubbssylt:

1 pkt (250g) jordgubbar
20-25 finhackade dadlar
vatten så det inte kokar fast

Häll allt i en gryta och låt det småputtra en 20 min medan du gör i ordning resten.

För grädden ta per person:
2 msk citronsaft
1 dl sojagrädde

Häll sakta ner grädden i citronsaften medans du vispar. Lätt, billigt och fräscht! sedan kan du göra våffelsmeten. För 10 våfflor tag:

3 1/2 dl glutenfrittmjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
4 1/2 dl gräddmjölk (0,75 dl soja + 3,25 dl vatten)
1 kryddmått salt
1 dl rapsolja, gärna kallpressad

Vispa ihop det torra och sen med gräddmjölken och sist den guldgula rapsoljan. Värm ditt järnvåffeljärn o smörj med rapsolja. Häll 0.75 dl smet i järnet och grädda.
Servera med grädden och jordgubbssylten.
Klassiskt och mycket gott!